Quit smoking

Thinking about stopping smoking?

Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can ever do for yourself. You will improve your health and you can also save a lot of money. 

There's lots of help and advice in Barnet to help you stop smoking today and stay smoke free for good. 

You’re three times more likely to quit and stay smoke free if you receive professional support.

Nicotine vaping products,  known as e-cigarettes and vapes, are an effective tool for quitting smoking. Evidence shows they are substantially less harmful than smoking. Vaping is not recommended for non-smokers or young people: if you have never smoked, don't vape.

A person's hand as they stub out a cigarette

Adam's smoke free story

Adam’s smoke free story 

Adam, 48, had been a smoker for over 30 years. After suffering a heart attack on his way to work in May this year, Adam made the decision to stop smoking for good. 

“The route to…

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A person refuses the offer of a cigarette

Barnet stop smoking service

Information and support to stop smoking tobacco or using shisha, for people who live, work or study in Barnet.

Green writing on white background - how's your lung health? Check. NHS and Targeted Lung Health Programme logos.

Lung health check

Are you aged 55-74 and either an ex-smoker or current smoker? If so, you are invited for a free lung health check to see how well your lungs are working. It is free, quick and painless - and catching lung cancer early, before symptoms start, can make it easier to treat.

Stop Smoking London logo

Stop Smoking London

Website and helpline for free stop smoking support and advice in London

illustration of different types of vapes

Vaping for adult smokers

There is substantial evidence that switching from smoking to vaping significantly reduces risks to your health and wellbeing. Find out more about vaping as an aid to stopping smoking for adults, and decide if it would work for you.

Pair of lungs made of natural foliage. Brown lung on the left made of dried pine cones, twigs. Colourful lung on right made of flowers and petals.

Quit smoking advice from the NHS

The NHS Better Health website has lots of tools and tips to help you quit smoking

Quit smoking forever written on green image with mobile phone

Smoke Free app

An app with free tools to support you to quit smoking.

Blue background with black line drawing of a cigarette snapped in half and the words quit smoking written underneath

NHS Quit Smoking app

Created for those who want to stop smoking for good, the NHS Quit Smoking app is a 28 day programme that puts practical support, encouragement, and tailored clinical advice in the palm of your hand.